Sukey, New York, MayDay 2017

Some of the Sukey team have come over to New York in order to help with communications this MayDay. We have customized our little webapp to help you keep track of whats going on during May 1st. We have put together a map of all the published actions and marches and will publish more information throughout the day via Twitter and on the map itself.

View /mayday on your smartphone to keep you safe, mobile and informed and for a timely overview of what’s happening on the ground. Tweet with #sukeynyc to send us reports, photos or videos or submit a report to Sukey directly, when you click on the dinosaur head to bring up a menu and then select the reporting tool.

Here is a key to help explain the map:

This icon represents planned actions.


This icon represents planned marches.


This icon represents police precincts (for quick reference in case somebody is arrested).


This icon represents unconfirmed actions.


This icon represents planned pickets.

Sukey spotted in New York! #MayDay #M1GS

Sukey spotted in New York! #MayDay #M1GS

Sukey – What is Kettling?

Sukey – Keeping demonstrators safe, mobile & informed.

On the media: The protesters toolkit – revolutionary apps

In association with BBC College of Journalism

Governments and security forces are becoming increasingly wise to the role of social media in organising and enhancing protest movements. As a result they are developing new ways to block, hack and track citizens tweets, Facebook and other social media tools in order to prevent unrest.

Protesters and citizen journalists the world over are able to stay one step ahead, however with the help of Open Source developed phone apps that allow them to communicate effectively without being tracked as easily. From letting friends know if youve been arrested to getting your story public, there is an app for all possible situations.

ObscuraCam, a collaborative project between Witness and technology-focused activists, has developed a camera app for Android phones. It allows the user to share video and images without it being tracked back to them through data embedded into the file, whilst detecting and obscuring faces. Protestors can now safely share information without fear of identification.

But will apps really protect protesters, and are they any safer than traditional social media? What do mobile apps mean for citizen journalism? Join us at the Frontline Club for a lively debate about the latest technology for protesters and citizen journalists and how far technology could go in making protest safer and smarter.

Chaired by Rory Cellan-Jones, BBCs technology correspondent and author of the blog, dot.rory. (@BBCRoryCJ)


Christian Payne, mobile media maker and professional blogger. He champions story making with mobile devices and explores new social media and its applications. He can also be found speaking internationally on technology and lecturing MA journalism students at Goldsmiths. (@documentally)

Sam Carlisle, entrepreneur, hacker and developer of the Sukey mobile app that crowdsources information during demonstrations onto a map, allowing protestors to stay safe and one step ahead.(@samthetechie)

Tom Barfield, site editor and community manager at Demotix, the crowdsourced photojournalism wire. Hes a linguist, sci-fi and technology lover and something of a news junkie. (@tombarfield)

Ryan Schlief, programe manager at Witness. An international nonprofit organisation that uses video and storytelling to inform the world of human rights abuses. They are also one half of the Obscuracam collaboration. (@witnessryan)


Spring of Code v0.2- The March of the Trees

@samthetechie from Sukey and @OccupyLSXTech is calling all engineers, programmers, geeks, hackers and techies. You are needed for the Spring of Code v0.2 aka The March of the Trees on 16th March so come and geek out with us. Seriously, lend us a hand hacking, testing, implementing, storyboarding, configuring, repairing, programming and developing solutions that really empower people. We currently have a great list of projects and we are looking for the key developers and mentors to get these ideas growing and heres a video about Ents:

Maptivism | ‘Cartography is Cool’ BETA

Introducing the Maptivism | Cartography is Cool BETA for Occupy London which can be viewed over at

We wanted to create a resource for Occupiers which makes it easier for them to find nearby resources that make life better and then share them with their fellow occupiers. So we used our mapping obsession and our version 1 webapp code to knock something up.

So it has been a great week in terms of Spring of Code. The Sukey team has been putting its new Spring of Code developers through their paces and tonight has been a fun night of developing Sukey itself but also just messing around and hacking with google maps, Postegre (with GIS extensions), GeoRSS, openstreetmaps, php, python, js  and general html tinkering and we have come up with the first of the three main features of this app, the map. At the backend, there are several google maps: occupations, recycling, toilets, showers, wifi, and venues that teams of mappers have been invited to collaborate on. We should see these maps grow over time to help us all find what we need while we are in the city. Savvy mappers will add opening times and more useful info to their map items or even update those of others. We will see how the collaboration goes. More development coming soon on the collaborative and social aspects on the update and the share tabs respectively. Possible extensions / ideas: checkins, google calendar integration for meetups, custom rating systems, photostreams.

Join Sukey at the Spring of Code Launch (a code sprint that is too small to fail)


Join Sukey at the Spring of Code (today / in progress)

Join Sukey at the Spring of Code today at 18:30 @londonhackspace

Join Sukey at the Spring of Code today at 18:30 @londonhackspace

Volunteer/Tech Callout Video:


The Sukey Team would like to invite you, citizens of the interwebs to the Spring of Code launch event (the code sprint that will be too small to fail and you really wont like it so please dont come and code with us).


Thursday 1st March 6.30pm


London Hackspace. How to get there:

or join us on IRC:


If you happen to ignore the gentle warning about how small and boring this launch event is going to be then you might want to read the next bit. Experience in the following would be a plus:
*PostgreSQL with GIS extensions
*Open Street Maps
An Illustrator
A Graphic Designer
A UX Consultant
A UI Designer
Meet the organisers and future team members, discover projects, participate in discussions, share ideas, beer and pizza (in no specific order).
[edit]Work with the Sukey Team (now recruiting)
The project is growing and we need someone to help us with admin, events management, outreach and fundraising. If you would like to volunteer for this part time (unpaid) position, then please email your cv and a quick note / covering letter to [email protected].

#occupywallstreet map

View #occupywallstreet map in a larger map

This maps is based on: and


Did someone say rapture raptor?


More exciting Sukey news coming soon. We love you all.

What is Sukey?

Sukey is a web app that is designed to keep people safe, mobile and informed during demonstrations. We crowdsource updates from twitter and other online and offline sources in order to provide our users with a timely overview of what is going on at a demonstration.