Contact the team
You want to talk to us? Great - let's be friends. To help keep up with all the email coming in, we've got a few different addresses. If a message is sent to the wrong address, it'll take us much longer to reply.
Informal Stuff
Tweet us @sukeyData, write on our Facebook fan page or use our Google feedback form.
Thanks for the interest! We'd like you to email us on [email protected].
If you're looking for some info, we've got a few documents that may be of use - our executive summary and our press releases and announcements.
Suggestions and Feedback
Tell us what to do next! We plan to release Sukey 2: Electric Boogaloo for the next protest and we want it to be better. We like feedback through our feedback form, but if you want you can send suggestions to [email protected].
I know - we're great, right? Just tweet us with smiles. Or donate some money and write "for beer" in the note. Also if you want to play casino games you can support us by getting bonus code from these guys, which will give you extra money on your deposit and we will get small percentage.