View #occupywallstreet map in a larger map This maps is based on: and
Tags: collaboration, maps, maptivism, occupywallstreet
View #occupywallstreet map in a larger map This maps is based on: and
Tags: collaboration, maps, maptivism, occupywallstreet
Did someone say rapture raptor? More exciting Sukey news coming soon. We love you all.
Tags: #apocalypse, #fail, #failpocalypse, #opentech, #rapture, #sukey
Good Morning! I will be speaking about Sukey at OpenTech2011 today (11:40am) @ULU, London. OpenTech2011 will be held at University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY. I am going to talk a little bit about the history of Sukey, interesting recent software developments and where we are headed next. It would be great [...]
A quick flyer Ive put together for our talk tonight! Get the flyer here: And look at our slide show here: Weve even got wallpaper: 1024 by 768 1280 by 800 1440 by 900 -Gaffen (from the Sukey suit)
Amsterdam is a beautiful city on several levels. Its beautifully designed, the bicycle system is integrated into the cities structure in a way I dont think is even possible in London rather that being pushed to the kerb and generally ignored (mostly) like they are in London, they have dedicated lanes on almost every [...]
Hi everyone, Its been a busy few days for us at team Sukey, weve been working very hard on several new things one of which is our new website layout; we thought wed do a little spring cleaning. Ok, so its not spring yet. But we couldnt resist! Truth is we couldnt resist the [...]